This book is the vehicle for The Opening to manifest itself as it transcends the different states of consciousness, from the identity self to the Higher Self and on to the “One-Self” that creates everything.
From the tangible to the intangible.
The Opening provides a guide for our journey of self-discovery by transcending states of consciousness
The Sacred Nature of Being Human outlines the stages necessary to navigate the openings that everyone encounters, helping to uncover the attributes and virtues buried by fear of the unknown
As we progress on our journey we discover:
The importance of gratitude and humility
The need to accept our faults and wounds that require healing
Recognise that there is always risk and never a guarantee
All these processes involve courage as we elevate consciousness through the Power of the Water of Life and not the Data of Life
It’s now time to face our fears, bring our hidden potentials out of hiding and allow our imagination to spread its wings and set in train a framework for the future of humankind.
Gateway to the Soul Exploring our Hidden potentials By Misha Frankel
In Gateway to the Soul Misha gives the reader another way of looking at themselves and how they navigate their way through life.
Her experience with ancient spiritual knowledge and conversations with her Higher Self reveal an expanded view of the world and provides insights and thought-provoking discussions.
The intrinsic power behind wisdom and understanding reveals hidden truths and propels us towards higher consciousness.
Limitations and past conditionings are then seen in a new light. Understanding comes from consciously experiencing something, it then becomes part of who you know yourself to be.
About the Author
Misha started seeking the answers to some of life’s major questions in the 1990’s and has been on her spiritual journey ever since.
She recognises that understanding comes from consciously experiencing something and is always open to expand her awareness and share her knowledge.