Born in South Africa, married then came to Sydney in 1967. Worked in a variety of corporate organizations from secretarial to management. Children came along and then started looking for answers to some of life’s big questions. My spiritual journey began to take root. Energetic Healing, esoteric studies on the Tree of Life and finally a qualification in Reflexology opened the door to a new way of seeing life.
Time for a career change to complementary therapies. In 2005 I left the corporate system, “Connecting Energies” was born, and I started practicing as a Professional Reflexologist.
See the human body in its totality, that which is seen and felt as well as that which is not seen but sensed. Emotional and mental blocks impact on the physical body and cause discomfort and possible disease so it is important to acknowledge and release this inner tension. Doing this in a non-confrontational environment, provides support and calms the nervous system,
To always be open for changes as they present themselves.
Circumstances adjust over time. It is important to be flexible and not have a fixed mindset.
Curiosity and courage go hand in hand with seeking the truth through change.
Recognising the power of our own Inner Knowing is the Way forward.